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1  Ways of growing to suit your place

Micro-greens and indoors                 7

Growing in pots and wicking boxes  1

Child-friendly food gardens               2

Wicking Beds                                    4

Traditional gardening                        4

Permaculture – the basics                7

No-dig Gardening                             6

Growing Asian style                          6

Pit Gardening and Hugel culture       3

Growing fruit trees                           11











4  Living in harmony with insects

Balancing 'bad' and 'good' insects    13

Encourage native bees                     13

Encourage microbats                          7

2  What to grow when -

                      how to multiply

What to grow year-round                       7

What to grow in winter                           2

What to grow in summer                        6

Grow, feed and transplant seedlings      6

Cuttings, marcots, grafts and layering  10

3  Keeping soil and plants healthy

Compost, mill-mud, and other enrichers  9

Green manure crops - weeds as assets  9

Base minerals                                          9

Feed your soil-biome and you crops        8

Worms, worm casts and worm teas         8

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